Tuesday, September 2, 2008


is the worst! Last night I got a total of about two hours, and man... it makes you tired the next day! I think I finally fell asleep around midnight and then woke up at 2 unable to fall back asleep. I tried to scrapbook, ate a bowl of cereal, watched the news, and then sat outside for a while. It was so frustrating!! When I came back upstairs, I found Riley (our dog) cuddling with Matt, both of them totally peaceful! Me, not so much!

When Matt's alarm went off at 5:30, I turned on the TV and watched the news until Caleb woke up at 6:55. Fun times!!

Tonight we had Parent's Night at Katherine's school. It was great to sit in her classroom and hear about what she does every day, and the different things she's learning. I must say, I LOVE her teacher! She's super enthusiastic about her job, absolutely loves teaching and the kids, and is very involved. She's on tons of committees and is always trying out the "latest and greatest" teaching techniques. Oh, and when I was talking to her about Katherine, she told me that "Katherine is such a sweet and polite girl. She gets along with everyone and is great to have in class". So good to hear... especially since the first week was meltdown central in the Hanson household!

Oh, and BIG news.... When Katherine got home from school today, she had a snack, we talked about her day, and she played PERFECTLY with Caleb. We had dinner as a family, and then they went over to my parent's house while we went to the Parent's Night thing at school. Guess what?!?!?!? NO MELTDOWNS! No crying, no whining, no fit throwing. Just my little girl back to her normal self! Such a relief! She was out cold shortly after 8:30 tonight, but other than being tired, life was GOOD!

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