Monday, August 10, 2009

I should have known....

....that when my normally happy baby boy is cranky, up all night long, and wanting to be constantly held something is drastically wrong with him. All weekend long we waited it out. Andrew didn't have a fever, he was just CRANKY.

So this morning I took him to Dr. Jon. Wouldn't you know.... an ear infection. Jon said that on a scale of 1 - 10, his ear infection was an 8. Poor baby boy. I should have taken him in sooner!


Danyel said...

That stinks!! I hope he gets better soon.

Kim said...

I'm wondering the same about Callie. She was so crabby/clingy today which is super unlike her. She's at daycare today (I'm home with a bad cold), I'm thinking I may get a call... Hope your sweet baboo feels better soon!