Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The call....

This morning I got "the call". It's the call we all hope and pray we never get, and today, unfortunately, I got it...

A lady from the local granite/marble dealer was here to measure our bathroom counter tops so that we could get the ball rolling on new sinks. While she was here, my phone rang three times. Assuming it was my mom (if you know her you get this!) I never looked at it, and just sent it to voice mail. After we were done measuring, I walked the girl out and got another phone call. It was Matt so I took it. He was wondering if Beaver Creek Elementary school got ahold me. Nope, they hadn't.... I let all the calls go to voice mail. He told me that Katherine puked at school, and they were trying to get in touch with me so I could come and pick her up. UUUUUGH!

I threw the kids in the car and called my mom. I ran over to pick her up so she could wait out in the car with the boys. When I arrived, poor Katherine was sitting on the nurses bench, in borrowed clothes, and looked dazed and confused. As soon as she saw me, she burst into tears. I guess there's just something about your mommy! Evidently the poor thing puked in her classroom, all over her desk and herself. I can't even imagine! I'm sure she'll never forget today....

So now, instead of taking the boys to the zoo today, Katherine is in the basement watching a movie and sipping Gingerale with a bucket beside her head, and I'm trying to keep Caleb and Andrew as far away from her as humanly possible. It's going to be a day!

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