Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Incase you were wondering...
This morning as we were getting ready to go and get pictures taken, Katherine, all at once, stands up and takes off running as fast as she can. When I ask her where she's going, she tells me that she's got to find something and it's really important. A couple of minutes later, she comes back into my room, her arms draped in purses. Pink ones and purples ones, glittery ones and ones covered in Disney princesses... even an Easter egg one. She's insisting that they ALL come to the photo shoot with us. Why you might wonder???
"Because every princess needs a GREAT purse, and Morgan and I certainly princesses". How on earth can I argue with that??? I can't ... I won't!!
Then to top it off, she INSISTS on wearing her most fabulous pair of dress-up shoes. Since Katherine and Morgan were wearing matching dresses, and I had no intention of having them wear shoes, she wore bright pink, glittery, feather laden high heels to the studio. She was fabulous!! LOL. AAAHHH, I so LOVE having a daughter.
Speaking of the "matching dresses"... My mom bought all the girls (including Laurie's step-daughter, Hannah) matching dresses for Disney, and we decided to have Katherine and Morgan wear them in the pictures today. We were driving to the studio in 4 separate cars, about a mile from the studio I get a call from my mom... (The studio is 20 minutes or so from our houses).
Mom: You picked up Katherine's dress, right?
Me: Ahhh, no. I didn't go in your house, remember?
Mom: Well I didn't bring it either. It's sitting on my kitchen table.
Me: What? How could you forget?? I guess Katherine will be wearing a bright pink capri outfit she's got on...
We hang up, and I'm fuming so I call Laurie. Luckily, she had Hannah's dress in the car, so Katherine wore that. It was a good 2 sizes to big, but nothing that should be noticeable in the pictures. Talk about luck!!
Oh and Caleb... He was a total pill today! I'm sure it had a little something to do with the fact that pictures were scheduled right during nap time, but I had NO idea how uninterested he'd be in getting his pictures taken.
He was on a high from bath time anyway today. Katherine taught him how to "swim" by laying down in the water and kicking his feet as hard as he could. She also taught him how to put his mouth under the water and blow bubbles. It was hysterical. I wish I had the video recorder in there. They were having so much fun! But it got really interesting when Caleb discovered that the best way to splash in the tub was to stand up and flop down in the water. Now, this certainly isn't the safest thing in the world, but I tell ya... for the first time I actually had to use the words "monsoon" and "bathtub" in the same sentence!! LOL. Katherine was laughing so hard she had tears running down her face!
Then, when we got to the studio, he was immediately uncooperative. He wanted NO part of it! Usually Caleb runs up to my dad and begs him to hold for as long as possible. Today was no exception UNTIL we got in front of the camera. As soon as the camera was pulled out, he literally went running! I was trying to wrestle with him so that he'd be in the some of the pictures, but holy cow! I was sweating and he was begging to be put down. Guess who won??? Yep, my little man!
Holly took over 300 pictures today, so here's to *hoping* that she got at least one good one of the entire group! My fingers are crossed!!
Tomorrow we're off to the Science Center with Andrea and her boys, Max, Isaac and Collin, Carolyn and her girls Allison and Claire, & Julie and her kids Jenna and Nate. Should be fun!!
Monday, July 30, 2007
What's the secret, you're wondering???? D.I.E.T. UUUUGH, I hate them, but boy do I need one!! I've got three months until our Disney trip, and I don't want to look back at the pictures and wonder what in the world I was thinking.... especially since I'll be spending a good amount of time in a swimsuit. So here goes -- tomorrow is D -day. The diet starts. I'll be water logged for weeks. I just may give up caffeine. I'll have a constant headache for days. It'll be a swell time. In fact, I can't wait! LOL. Wish me luck!
And I can just hear Matt now if I tell him that I'm going on yet ANOTHER diet... "Sure, honey. Whatever makes you happy". Well I'll tell ya what'll make me happy -- losing 25 pounds. But as of today, he hasn't offered up a plastic surgeon! LOL.
The best part of this whole diet adventure is I've conned Michelle into going on this little journey with me!
OK -- I can feel it now -- this post is going to get more random by the second, but....
Matt called me this afternoon to tell me that on Wednesday he has to go to Chicago on business. Yea, guess what Wednesday is.... our anniversary!! 9 years to be exact, and he's got to leave on an overnight trip. GREAT!! Guess the kids and I will go out to celebrate on our own. If there's anyone who enjoys a good celebration, it's Katherine, so I should be in good hands! LOL.
Matt's birthday is August 10, and we're going to celebrate by spending the weekend in Kansas City with Brian and Val. Should be fun!! I can't wait actually!! Since we'll be gone/busy for his birthday, (and did I mention that he's going to be gone on our anniversary????) my darling sister is going to come over and watch the kids on Wednesday night (the 8th) so we can go out to a nice, fancy, expensive dinner at a place that we'd NEVER bring kids. OOOOHH, soooooo looking forward it!
Tomorrow is picture day with my Grandma. We're trying to get a four generation shot and we've got quite a group going -- my grandma, my mom, my aunt, my sister and her daughter, Morgan, my brother, and the kids and I. I'm expecting nothing short of pure chaos, but if there's anyone who can handle it, it's Holly. So, here's to hoping that we get a good one of all of us.
Last night we had a cookout at my parent's house, and my Grandma was there. I could see a HUGE change in the growth of her tumor in the short week it's been there. Just by looking, it appears to have doubled in size. It's literally getting bigger by the day... Today my mom spent most of the day with her at the nursing home and had a meeting with the hospice people. They told her that the tumor had already spread to her collar bone. It just makes me sick. It's horrible to watch her getting weaker by the day. It just breaks my heart.
Friday, July 27, 2007
I'm back
Quick update on my Grandma... She likes the nursing home where she's living, and *REALLY* didn't want to move to hospice, or anywhere else for that matter. We agreed, and thought that moving her would only make a bad situation even worse. So hospice is going to come into the nursing home several times a week and we'll only move her to hospice when the pain gets unbearable for her.
We're going up to Holly's studio on Tuesday afternoon (right during naps, but it seemed to be about the only time that worked for everyone) and having pictures taken. It's going to be a four generation photo shoot, with my Grandma, my Mom, my sister and her two girls, and then Katherine, Caleb and I. We want to have then taken ASAP before her tumor gets too noticeable, and physically she's able to make the trip.
OK -- enough of that... On to other things...
Wednesday I took the kids to the Science Center, and for the first time in AGES, we really didn't have anyone to go with us. I've got to tell you ... IT WAS WONDERFUL!! The kids and I had a great time, and it was so nice to hang out -- just the three of us. We played in the toddler area for about an hour, and while in there, Katherine was trying to teach all of the other girls how to do cartwheels in the little padded jump area. It was hilarious!! She's been practicing non-stop for the past week, and was so proud to show off her new skills. She was just beaming with pride! There's nothing more rewarding for a mother than to watch her child be successful!! She didn't stop practicing until she got it, and if there's one thing Katherine is, it's determined!!
After lunch we went upstairs to the star lab, and right outside of it, they have this cool gravity demonstration. The kids have always loved playing with it, and today I gave Katherine a little lesson in how gravity worked and why. She's now our little gravity expert! She goes around asking her friends either to give her an example of how gravity works, or she'll look at them and say, "what goes up, must come down is the principle of ______________". So yea, gravity is her newest thing...
Yesterday Katherine and Caleb were running around the living room playing a game, and she tripped and fell. All of a sudden, she got up, rubbed her little hands together, and said, "Gravity is not a good thing"!! I couldn't help but to laugh at her, which of course went over well!! LOL!
Thursday we went to Backyard Adventures with Michelle, Nicholas and Caden. It works out perfectly as Katherine and Nicholas are the same age, and so are Caleb and Caden. The kids played on the swing sets for a couple of hours and then I had to make a Target run. Old Mother Hubbard's cupboards were bare!!
Last night I watched Morgan while my sister was in class, and holy cow, she had a GREAT time!! I know I've mentioned this before, but our neighborhood is overflowing with young kids. It's great!! There's rarely a night when under 20 kids are out, so it makes for really fun nights for all -- adults and kids. Morgan was in heaven!! She didn't know what do with herself. She was running around, making new friends, playing on swing sets and riding on bikes and in little motorized cars. She had such a great time. So great, in fact, she asked if she could come over every night!! LOL.
Which reminds me.... Katherine is turning into such a homebody. At night, there's nowhere else she'd rather be than at home. Tonight Matt and I decided to take the kids out for ice cream, and all Katherine could think about was getting home and playing with her friends. I love the fact that she values friendships and is gaining independence. I love that she ALWAYS includes Caleb and WANTS him around. And I love the fact that she's comfortable in her own skin, and loves going home... to our home.
This morning we had playgroup over at Kristin's house (she's the one with a total of 5 kids and just had the twin girls before Christmas). Usually, playgroup ends around lunch time, but today, we all had lunch together and didn't go home until 1:30. Kristin had out the sprinkler, so the kids ran though the water and played on the swing set for a while, and then went inside and played until most of them were begging for naps. Ha-ha!! Not my kids though! We went home and I gave them baths, and they took a late nap. Matt came home from work early, so we all slept until 6 and then went out to dinner. It was heaven!! Aren't naps one of life's little luxuries??? Yep!
Tomorrow morning I'm watching Julie's two kids (Jenna is 5 and Nate is 3) for a couple of hours, so Katherine and Caleb will have have fun playing with them. (Julie is one of my neighbors and a playgroup regular for anyone who's wondering). Matt had a bunch of rock/gravel type stuff delivered today, so he'll be working on the patio in the afternoon. Later that night, we're getting my Grandma and then going out to dinner for Laurie's birthday. Should be fun!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
So tonight, we're all going out to eat at the Texas Roadhouse -- it's one of my Grandma's faves -- she loves the steak and sweet potatoes, so that's the plan.
We're also going to take her up to LeMars, Remsen and Marcus so that she can go back to her roots one last time. I know she'll love going back and seeing her old house, the places she grew up, etc... Not exactly sure when we're going, but it'll be soon.
I'm off to shower. I took Katherine and Caleb to Ashby Park today which is a great water park for kids. We went with Michelle (Ben and Tessa) and Jen (Anna and Nate). All the kids had a wonderful time, but played so hard that when it was time to leave, they were both ready! So it's nap time for them, and shower time for me.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Cancer stinks...
My Grandma has had her share of cancer over the years, but this time.... UUUUGH, can't even think about it. My parents picked her up yesterday so that she could spend the day with us and then go to Ratatouille and out to dinner.
As soon as they got her, they noticed a huge mass on the side of her cheek/jawbone. It was affecting her speech, her eating, pretty much everything. When we got home, Isaac looked around for about 5 minutes, and then took off his gloves and left the room. He was bawling.... He doesn't think she has much time left -- maybe a month or so -- especially given her age. He's pretty sure that it's in her lymph node, and if so, once it goes to the lymph nodes, it's like a super highway all over her body. She's very frail and weak at this point, so the news is obviously devastating. Tomorrow she goes to her ENT, so we'll know for 100% sure at that point... But if there's ANYONE I have confidence in, it's Isaac. He's very smart, and this is a no-brainer. When I looked in her mouth, I could see it, and I'm certainly no medical genius... UUUUGH... This sucks. Totally sucks....
And the worst part is that she's in pain -- and wasn't a month ago. Let me put this in perspective... About a year ago, my Mom accidentally slammed her fingers in the car door, and it was so bad she needed stitches. She claimed that didn't hurt. But this does. She's in constant pain...
Last night, Katherine had a slumber party with Grammy, and given the evening's events, I crashed the party. I wanted to spend every moment possible with my Grandma, so I was over there until almost 1. Katherine crashed on the chair around 11:30.On top of what's going on with my Grandma, my parent's house almost was broken into last night. When I left around 1, I heard noises by my parent's car and got a super creepy feeling. You know that feeling when you know you're being watched??? It gave me the chills, but I assumed it was just an animal. When I got in my car (which was unlocked with my Louis Vuitton sitting in the front seat) I checked the backseat and the back hatch. I just had a very unsettling feeling....
So this morning I get a call from my mom around 10. She tells me that around 1:30 am, there were several loud bangs outside the front door, and then someone tried to get into the house. They immediately called 911, and the cops were there within minutes. Shortly thereafter, their next door neighbor comes outside reporting a similar incident. While they were at my parent's house, 3 more calls came in reporting a robbery. How scary is that????
So Katherine... Here's a my little girl in action.... A typical day in the life of a princess...
Caleb and I met up with my mom, dad, Isaac and Katherine around 10:30. Isaac had to run into Golf Galaxy and pick up a golf club, so while they were paying, I took the kids and waited outside. All of a sudden a guy comes out and lights up a cigarette. I immediately look over at Katherine and know EXACTLY what she's thinking. I try and get her out of there and head to the car, but she beats me to the punch and starts up a conversation with the random smoker...
Katherine: Do you know that smoking is yucky?
Random Smoker: Laughing... (Thank God)
K: Are your teeth yellow yet?
RS: Nothing... just inhaling his cancer stick...
K: Smoking makes your breath stink, and that's super disgusting. You know that, right???
RS: Yes it does...
*At this point, I wish I had magic disappearing potion in my back pocket.
K: You know that smoking will make you DIIIIEE, right?
*OMG, If I could crawl into the sidewalk crack, I'd be there!
RS: Started laughing and then got very serious. "Yes, I do know that. I wish I could stop, but it's just too hard, and I'm very addicted. Promise me you won't ever smoke, it'll ruin your life. It's stupid to even start.
That's my girl. Certainly not a wall flower..... Ay-yi-yi....
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Friday -- Typically we have a neighborhood playgroup every Friday morning, but this Friday I decided to skip out and take the kids to Adventureland with my p's and Isaac. It was such a gorgeous day -- absolutely perfect for taking the kids to an amusement park. It was a cool (80*) day, not a cloud in the sky, and minimal crowds. Katherine is obsessed with the log ride, so her, my dad, and I waited in line for about 30 minutes, and that, by far, was the longest wait of the day. Soooo great!
Rather than walking around the park, Katherine spent most of the day riding on Isaac's shoulders, and Caleb was more than happy to sit in the shade with Grammy while we took Katherine on some of the "big" rides. Speaking of my mom ... sometimes I think she forgets what it's like to be a Mommy. All she can think about is being a "grandma" and spoiling the kids, and boy is she good at it! So good, it borders on ridiculous some of the time. For example, it's around 11:30, we haven't eaten lunch yet and pass by an ice cream stand. She immediately suggests that her and the kids get some ice cream. I'm like... HEELLLOOOOO, great idea, AFTER we eat lunch, but come on!! Are you kidding??? Back in the day, she would have NEVER suggested that Laurie, Isaac and I got a ginormous ice cream BEFORE our lunch. But now????? GEEEEZZZ....
Matt got home from work early Friday night, so we took the kids out to eat and then the two of us got take-out from our favorite Thai restaurant, Cool Basil. Soooo YUMMY!! After dinner the kids went outside to play with all of the neighbors, and stayed out WAY past bedtime. Our next door neighbors have a 9 year old girl, and she brought out her DVD player, and all the kids had a dance party in the front yard. It was so cute! They were having the best time and danced for almost an hour. Boy can Katherine get her groove on!! They also rode bikes and found two new pets -- one of which we became the rightful owners of!! And what is this pet, you might ask??? FROGS! That's right folks, we had a frog named Hopper, and he was the cutest little frog Katherine had ever seen... Ay-yi-yi! Thankfully this morning, Katherine and Mikayla let them go. LOL.
In other news....
Matt and I have been wanting to put a patio out in the backyard, so he started getting quotes, so we could figure out exactly what we wanted (size, stamped concrete vs pavers, etc.). After the quotes came in, he quickly realized that it'd be sooo much cheaper to do ourselves (read -- himself as I'm NO help). LOL! Well yesterday he rented a sod cutter and started the project, so the kids and I went to the zoo with Laurie, Morgan and Hannah.
Katherine was just a disaster! She wore the new shoes I got her, and they cut into her feet, so she spent the better part of the day either crying or riding in the basket under the stroller. Let's just say that it wasn't a long trip! Here's some pictures for ya!
Morgan, Katherine and Hannah.

Katherine LOVES the monkey bars, and can hold on longer than *ANY* kid I know. Seriously....
Here she is swingin' away!
Katherine and Hannah playing on the new playground.
Why isn't Caleb in any of the pictures???? Well... he was a little under the weather. As soon as we got to the zoo, he broke out in spots. They're all over, and unfortunately, his face is the worst. His entire face is red and swollen with red welts. The poor kid also has red spots covering his arms and legs. I feel so sorry for him, but he seems just fine. He's still eating, sleeping (THANK GOD) and running around like a champ!
So, since he's not feeling well, Matt stayed home from church and just Katherine and I went. Since we got home, Matt spent the entire day outside working on removing more dirt and making the ground level for the patio to go in. I can't wait until it's done!! It's going to be so nice -- and fun. We're getting big comfy chairs and a fire pit. Just think of the smores we'll be able to make! LOL.
Around 3:30 today my mom is coming to pick up Katherine and take her back to Ratatouille. We saw it a couple of weeks ago, but my Grandma wanted to see it, so back they go. Katherine is thrilled, as this means (i) no nap; (ii) much coveted Grammy time; and (iii) all the candy/pop/popcorn my mom can stuff in her in 2 hours. It's all good!!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Picture Day!!
Trying to get Caleb's pictures taken in recent months has been an absolute nightmare. His antics have included everything from tripping over backdrops to tackling Katherine. He's tried running away from the camera and body slamming pillows.... Really, there's not much he hasn't tried! It's been a challenge, and by the time the shoot was over I was sweating and ready for a nap. Today was *totally* different! Shocking, huh??
I've got to tell ya - since my expectations of Caleb were so low, we started off with just Katherine and sat Caleb (with snack) on the side. All of a sudden, he grabs a handful of pretzels and runs to Katherine and plops down next to her and smiles for the camera. I could hardly believe it!! After all the months of frustration, all it takes is a couple of pretzels, and an "I don't care if you're here or not" attitude??? If only I'd thought of that sooner!! LOL. Here's to hoping that the pretzels can be edited out!!
Katherine was amazing today! She took such great pictures, and really connected with the camera. The raw images I saw were fantastic! Oh -- and get this... Holly is going to use one of the images she took of her two months ago for their new ad campaign. Pretty cool, huh?? That's my girl, one gorgeous little princess!
Since so many people are gone this weekend, and it's supposed to be absolutely gorgeous outside, we're skipping playgroup for the first time in almost a year. With a high of 80*, and my brother wanting to take the kids to Adventureland, we're off for a day of rides at the park. Can't wait!!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Book Worm...
Anyway, since the inevitable is going to happen, and we are trading my car, Matt has TONS of car brochures laying on the dining room table. Caleb saw the VOLVO book this morning and went absolutely NUTS!! So instead of reading a book, the two of us sat on the couch for a *good* hour reading that stinkin' brochure. I had to point out everything from headlights to wheel rims to parts I didn't even know existed while making car sounds the entire time! Ay-yi-yi!! I thought I was going to lose my mind!! LOL!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
They had a great day, and my day -- well it was MISERABLE!! The worst thing was that I really felt as though I was missing out on the fun. I felt left out! And the control freak in me *hates* that! LOL. As I was laying in bed, I could hear everyone outside playing and laughing, and there was nothing more I wanted than to be out with them! Spending the entire day holed up in the house is not my idea of a good time, no matter how sick I was!
Since I was feeling better this morning, I decided to take the kids to the Science Center. It was BOILING HOT outside, and I thought that since I was still on the mend, an air conditioned activity was our best option! So I called Michelle (her son, Nicholas, is Katherine's friend from preschool) and we all made the road trip down town. It was the perfect opportunity for the kids to run around and explore everything from Bubble Bay to the Sky Dome, see the Cold Blooded Reptiles demonstration and participate in the Kitchen Chemistry program. And since I'm still not on top of my game, I didn't have to melt outside!! It was the perfect day! LOL.
Later that morning, we ran into Carolyn, Allison and Claire, which Katherine was *thrilled* about. So not only did she get to play with one friend, but two friends. What could be better??? In the world of a 4 year old... not much!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Weekend update
Friday morning is our usual neighborhood playgroup. It's always a great time for all the kids to get together and play, and us moms to chat and catch up. But, this Friday was a little different... It was Jenna's 5th birthday and her mom (Julie) threw quite the bash. Actually, it was an *amazing* party. I kid you not.... it seriously looked like Martha Stewart was throwing the party!! Everything was decorated in hot pink and lime green -- everything from the table decorations, to the invitations (which she made -- yes she's a scrapbooker, too), the balloons, and the cupcakes -- which she also made. She had adorable hot pink bamboo poles with lime green streamers everywhere. It was a little girl's dream!! The backyard was transformed into a party wonderland. It was gorgeous!!
It was a "dance" party, so Julie made a CD filled with every great dance song you could imagine, and burned copies for each of the kids. Katherine has fallen in love with the Chicken Dance, so we've been rockin' around the kitchen like a couple of dancing queens all weekend long. LOVE IT!! The CD also has The Macarena, YMCA, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Hokey Pokey, La Bamba, Electric Slide and about 20 others. It's great!! And Caleb -- boy can this kid get his groove on!! He's got all the moves!! Watching him dance just about brings me to tears I'm laughing so hard. He's half jumping and half spinning, but all in rhythm to the music!! It's a pretty unique style I tell ya!!
After we had lunch at Jenna's birthday party, the kids and I hit the mall to buy a shower gift for my friend Lisa who's getting married in less than two weeks. For anyone who doesn't know, Lisa is a friend of mine from college who was my little sis in the sorority, and a bridesmaid in my wedding. AAHH, the good ol' days. I'm getting old!! OK, this was a "personal bridal shower" and for those of you who don't know the lingo -- that means lingerie. I could hardly contain my excitement with the thought of taking two kids into Victoria Secret!! The thought of it about made me want to turn and run the other way! As soon as we walked into the store, Katherine picked out -- Ooooh, about 10 items that SHE wanted to try on and and buy for HERSELF! Yea -- and she didn't pick out the cute striped pants and tank tops either. No way, not Katherine.... she's picking out the see through, lacy, hot momma little numbers!! LOL. She then pulled a couple off the racks and tried to put them on over her clothes, and said, "Oh, Mommy, doesn't this look great on me??? Let's buy it! Can we, please"???? I couldn't get out of there fast enough!
After naps, the kids and I met Matt at the Lexus dealership to pick up my car. I've finally got my wheels back, which is wonderful, but I'm not sure how long it'll last. This last trip into the shop about sent Matt over the edge, so he's shopping for new cars. He insists that my car is a lemon, which it is, and doesn't want the kids and I driving around in something so unreliable. So, he's been looking into trading it. We were going to trade it -- in about a year or so -- when we'd need a car with a third row seat, but until then, I really wanted to keep it.
Later that night we went over to Matt and Jodi's house until about 9 or so, and then migrated to Troy and Andrea's to roast marshmallows. The kids had so much fun running around and playing with all their friends, and so many families were out enjoying the night and socializing in the backyards -- probably about 9 or 10 families. It was great! And Katherine is turning into such a homebody. If we're out and about after dinner, she wants to go home to see all of her friends. She likes being home, inviting friends over, riding bikes out front, and running through the backyard.
Saturday morning I got my hair cut and colored, and it was long over due!! I ended up highlighting it and then coloring everything else back to my original color. I didn't realize how dark my hair actually is... it had been highlighted much too often and was turning into a funky washed out shade. Not attractive at all!! It looks so much better now, and I'm glad it's a little shorter. It was getting too long and straggly!
Later that night I went to Lisa's big shower and bachelorette party shin-dig. We had a shower for her in Altoona and then went out downtown. It was such a great time, and she's going to be a beautiful bride. There's nothing better than seeing one of your good friends so incredibly happy!!
Jay and Debbie (Matt's oldest brother and his wife) were coming through town, so we had them and Todd and Caroline over for brunch. Katherine and Caleb love to "help" cook, so as soon as they got up they helped me make scones and cut up fruit. We also had bacon, scrambled eggs and hash browns. Caroline actually made the hash browns because whenever I make them they just don't turn out right. Maybe I should try reading the directions on the package!! Ha-ha!
After we were done eating, Jay and Debbie joined us at the home show, and I've got to tell you, the homes were amazing!! They were beyond gorgeous! Over the top amazing!! There's so much you can do with almost $2 million, and these homes definitely belonged in a magazine. I didn't realize how small our house was until today, but in reality I wouldn't trade our neighborhood for a huge house in an elite neighborhood. There's just something to be said for letting your kids grow up with tons of other kids their own age... besides, we're pretty far from being able to afford it! LOL.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Kinder eggs
On Monday Kim sent me a package full of all kinds of cool stuff...scrapbooking stuff for me, and kinder eggs for the kids. Now the scrapbooking stuff is great, but the eggs????? Well I've got to tell ya, these things rock!! Seriously they rank right up there with the squeaky shoes, and that's HUGE!! Kinder eggs are little toys sealed in a plastic egg and covered in chocolate. What could be better??? UMMM, according to Katherine and Caleb....NOTHING!! LOL!!
I decided to give the kids a kinder egg before we went to Valley Junction for the farmer's market tonight, and they were in heaven!! They were both covered in chocolate and giggling uncontrollably, partially out of shock that I'd think it's a good idea to stuff their faces full of chocolate before dinner, and partially because it was such a novelty.
We can't buy Kinder eggs here in the US, so they were a super special treat!! And the toys are actually really cool! So far Katherine got a little dog on wheels and its mouth opens and shuts when he moves forward. Caleb got a little mailbox thing with a fireman's hat on top that when you move it, it opens the mailbox. Both are really great, and the kids have played with them most of the night. That's the true test of a great toy! LOL!!
So, Kim -- thank you! Thanks for thinking of us. Thanks for the great scrapbooking RAK, and super cool kinder eggs. And most importantly thanks for making Katherine and Caleb so incredibly happy!! Now I've just got to come up with something cool to send you! If anyone has a great idea, let me know!!
Since Adventureland was a bust yesterday, we decided to try it again this morning. The kids and I picked up Isaac and headed out for a day of fun, and what fun it was!! Caleb has always loved his Uncle Isaac, but today his "love" turned into an obsession! All day long, he wanted Isaac to hold his hand as they walked, sit next to Isaac on every ride, and then eat off his plate at lunch time. It was so sweet!!
One of the first rides that we went on was the "Teacups". I put Katherine and Caleb in first and then climbed in next to Caleb. Katherine was going to move next to Caleb and he told her "NO NO NO" and then smiled at Isaac, pointed to the vacant spot and told him to "sit". We were all laughing until Caleb slid away from me and climbed on Isaac's lap. UUUMMM, HELLO... What am I???? Chopped liver? Guess so! When it was time to get off I put Caleb in the stroller, and Isaac put Katherine on his shoulders. Just seeing this sent Caleb into absolute hysterics. For about 5 minutes Mr. Meltdown was uncontrollable, trying to get out of the stroller, and screaming for Isaac to carry him. UUUGH... the pitfalls of popularity! Ha-ha-ha!
Later that day I took the kids on a "kid" ride while Isaac went on an adult ride I'd never dream of going on. When Isaac was done, he came and waited for us, and Caleb kept yelling "HIIIIII" and waving while we were still on the ride. Absolutely adorable!!
It's so wonderful to witness a relationship blossom between two of the people you love most in the world. It's times like this that I'm constantly reminded at how truly blessed I am.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
This week ROCKS!!
Yesterday we went to the zoo with one of Katherine's friends from preschool, his family, and my brother. It was such a gorgeous day, and the kids had a fantastic time!! Since the last time we were there, they added a wonderful play structure for the kids in the petting zoo area. It's a super cool climbing structure with a maze, slides, and a million nooks and crannies for the kids to explore. It was definitely the hit of the day!! After they got their fill of the new playground and sandbox, they went straight over to feed the "stinky fish" as Katherine calls them. Feeding the koi fish and the goats are always a fan favorite!!
On the way out we stopped by the new Bald Eagle exhibit. Katherine and Caleb just looked at them in amazement. The eagles were huge, and by far the largest "bird" they've ever seen. Katherine had a million questions about what they eat and where they live, and Caleb just kept yelling "DUCK" which is what he calls *anything* that falls into the bird category! LOL.
Since the heat stayed away for another day, we decided to hit Adventureland this morning. We arrived around 10:30 and I had planned to stay until 2 or 2:30, but as soon as we got there, (literally we were in the parking lot), Katherine started complaining of a stomach ache. I took her to the bathroom and she was screaming in pain. 20 minutes later, we got on our first ride. We went on the carousel and the train, and the whole time, my poor little girl was in tears ... doubled over in pain, but didn't want to leave. So after 2 more trips to the bathroom, she took off her shoes and crawled into the basket under the stroller and laid there while Caleb went on a ride. I finally talked her into leaving, with the promise that we'd stop by Grammy and Pop-pop's house. Not sure what was bothering her tummy, but as soon as we got to mom and dad's house, she was fine.... So tomorrow, it's back to Adventureland we go!! This time we're picking up my brother, Isaac, on the way!
OK, onto other things.....
As a disclaimer, I'm not big into "character" type clothing. As a general rule, my kids don't walk around with Winnie the Pooh on their shirts, and their rooms are not decorated in Disney babies. With that being said, I did break down and buy Katherine an Elmo sweatshirt when she was head over heels in love with the fuzzy red monster, and tonight, when I was at Target, I fed Caleb's CARS fetish and bought him a stylin' set of jammies.
When I got home, Matt, Katherine and Caleb were outside playing with the neighbors, so I took the bag containing his new jammies, and told him to open it. HOLY COW!! They're a HIT!! Matt didn't think he'd be too interested, but HELLO.... he wanted to undress immediately. So I put his jammies on in Matt and Jodi's driveway, and he ran around in them for the rest of the night. As soon as we got home he started running around the house yelling "KA-CHOW" at the top of his lungs. It was hilarious!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Happy Birthday Leo!
Then today after church we met up for lunch and then went back over to Leo's house for a little fun in the sun. Leo got this super cool water toy for his birthday, and the kids couldn't wait to try it out. It was this tall inflatable thing with little hoses coming out in all directions that sprayed water all over the place. I tried to take pictures, but the water was spraying so unpredictably that I didn't want the camera lens to get soaked...
After naps, Todd, Leo and Matt's parents came over for dinner. We ordered in pizza and the kids swam and went down the slide that Matt rigged with the slip and slide. They could have cared less about the pool, but the slide... well it was a HUGE HIT!! I could see Andrea's boys (Max and Isaac) jumping up and down at their patio door just begging to come out, so they joined in the fun as well.
Here's some pics for ya!!
Katherine and Max

Max, Isaac, Katherine and Leo on the slip and slide

My little princess.

Katherine catapulting down the slide.
Here's a look of the set-up. It provides ENDLESS HOURS of entertainment!!

Katherine and Leo
The birthday boy!!
AAAAHHH, this is what summer is about -- fun in the sun, water games, good friends, and wonderful memories. I wish these days could last forever....
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Happy Friday!
We've been so busy this week that the time has just flown by, and because it's super late and I should be sleeping, here's a quick update....
Today is Friday, and that means one thing..... neighborhood playgroup. Fun times!! I always look forward to Friday mornings -- all the kids can play together and us "moms" can relax and bond over caffeine! LOL. We hosted playgroup this morning and since it was super hot, we had a pool party. Matt got out the "slip 'n slide" and rigged it so that it was positioned at the bottom of our slide. Wow!! Talk about a hit!! The kids went down it for about 3 solid hours ... having contests who could go the farthest and who had the 'coolest' moves. It was great!! Tiffany brought over her pool so that the little kids could have a separate pool from the big kids. Everyone had so much fun!! And let me tell ya .... Katherine and Caleb were exhausted! When it was nap time they raced up the stairs and crashed for almost 3 hours.
Today was the end of an era.... I think I've mentioned this before, but Caleb NEVER EVER says 'yes' or gives any verbal answer in the affirmative. He says NO a million different ways (many of which mean yes), but "yes" has never come out of his little mouth .... until today. We were sitting in the kitchen and I asked him if he wanted more milk, and he looked at me, smiled, and said, "yyyyeaaaaaa". I about fell over! While I was thrilled about the evolution, it made me sad. He was no longer our little "Mr. NO Guy", as Katherine calls him.
So this afternoon while the kids napped, I scrapbooked. I have a million pages I want to do for their books, and "Mr. NO Guy" was one of them. And since today he actually gave an affirmative answer, I felt like I had to do the page immediately or I'd forget this quirky behavior of his that I've grown to love and cherish. So today -- I scrapped because I felt like had to .... not wanted to. The creative juices weren't flowing, and I've got to tell you, it took all the joy out of it. It was in this moment, that I decided that I'll never scrapbook for a job. (Sorry Crissy)!! I want it to be fun, a hobby, not a chore. Anyway, the page is almost done, and the funniest thing happened... I looked at it and ended up loving it. The design doesn't blow you away, it's the memory that's captured on it that warms my heart. My little boy is growing up, and I'm so glad that I forced myself to sit down and capture the memory at that moment... when it was still fresh, still real, and Caleb was still my little "Mr No Guy".
Matt got home early tonight and we ended up going out to dinner with my parents, and Laurie, Clyde and the girls. Clyde was released from the hospital, which was a shock -- he's still running a fever and his leg looks HORRIBLE. His entire shin is red and purple. After dinner we all went to Ratatouille. Katherine loved it!!
Matt's parents are coming back to town tomorrow for Leo's 3rd birthday party, so I'll post pics!!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Strep infection...
Clyde, my sister's husband, went to the doctor on Monday evening with a fever, chills, aches, and a hot red spot on his leg. The doctor sent him home and told him that most likely it was the flu...
This morning, my mom saw them at the Independence Day festivities in Waukee, and she noticed Clyde's leg right away. She asked him if she could feel it and when she did it was *very* hot and had a red line running from the lesion (which was below the knee) all the way up his leg. She told Laurie to get him to the hospital ASAP. They went to the walk-in clinic and as soon as the doctor saw his leg, he called down to the hospital and admitted him immediately. It was a strep infection in his blood, and the doctors (both at the walk-in clinic and at the hospital) told him that left untreated, he most likely would have been dead within 48 hours. The infection was creeping up toward his heart. Talk about scary!!
So depending on how he reacts to the antibiotics, he'll be in the hospital anywhere from 3 days (minimum) to a week or more. Hopefully, he's out by the weekend. Thoughts and prayers with you, buddy.
Matt and I spent a good chunk of the morning detailing my car. We took out all of the kids' stuff, vacuumed it out really well, and washed every inch of the interior. Hopefully we don't have to trade it in, but at this point, NOTHING would surprise me with that car. Matt took it for a drive last night, and when he tried to accelerate, the check engine light started flashing at him. UUUUGH! So tomorrow, since I have no wheels, we're swimming at home. The pool is out and ready!!
Tonight we went over to Thompson's for a BBQ and then to the fireworks display. Tina filled water balloons for the kids and they were all soaking wet within seconds. It was perfect, since it was over 90* in their backyard at 7 pm tonight. I failed to bring my camera, but since we were all packed in Matt's Camry, there really wasn't room! LOL!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
My car sucks...
I've got to vent... My car is a Lexus SUV. Not exactly a "budget" set of wheels, and I've got to tell ya -- I really don't expect to have to buy a new transmission and rebuild the engine all before it hits 80,000 miles....
So today, I'm thinking of trading it in for the Ford Focus.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Happy 4th!!
Every Sunday night during the summer Jordan Creek has outdoor concerts, and in July it's my favorite -- dueling pianos. These guys rock!! I could sit and listen to them for hours and the kids are crazy about them. Katherine loves dancing around, and Caleb -- he's just a wrecking ball. He tries to copy Katherine's dance moves, but all he seems to do is spin to the point of falling down all over the place. I swear, he's on the ground more than he's on his feet!! But hey, they have a great time, so it's all good!!
The dueling pianos played until 9:30 and fireworks started around 9:45. The kids *LOVED* the fireworks. Caleb sat on my lap with his eyes wide open oooohh'ng and aaaaaaahhhh'ing at each one. When they were over he clapped his little hands and wanted to see MOOOOR (more). Katherine snuggled in with Matt and was as happy as could be. Everyone had a great time, and we're anxiously looking forward to the next fireworks display, which is tomorrow night in Valley Junction.
When we got home, shortly after 11, disaster struck. Matt was in Caleb's room putting on his jammies, and I was changing my clothes. Katherine came running from Caleb's room into ours, and somehow her foot slipped.... She tumbled down the ENTIRE flight of steps, and the sound of it was enough to stop my heart... It was sickening... I was standing right there and couldn't grab her... She screamed and cried for a good half hour and ended up with a HUGE goose egg on the back of her head. Matt also found a cut in her hair. Other than the blow to the head, she seems OK. I've got to tell you... it was horrible. I ran down the stairs after her, but couldn't stop it. My poor little girl....
Tonight after dinner we went over to Matt & Jodi's house and Katherine & Caleb played in the pool with Abby. Abby has the coolest slip and slide thing hooked onto the end of her slide, and the girls must have gone down 50 times.
Here's some pictures for you....



