Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Can you believe that another year has come and gone? I find myself sitting here thinking, once again, how quickly the time has passed and looking back at all that we've done during the past 12 months. I hope that your year was filled with love, joy, hope, peace, warmth, comfort, and laughter. I know ours was. Actually, during all the happiness that we were blessed to have in our lives, we also shed a fair amount of tears -- our first born starting kindergarten, her making the TAG team at Chows and finally realizing how wonderfully satisfying it is to realize the fulfillment of a dream and taste the success that accompanies it, our son growing wings and turning from a toddler into a little boy so full of spunk and energy, and the birth of our third child -- potentially our last. When I look into his little eyes and see how incredibly innocent he is and what an incredible gift from God he is, I can't imagine NOT having another child, but Matt ..... He'll need a *little* convincing. I will say this -- having a child is, by far, the most rewarding and fulfilling blessing I've ever experienced. It is an awesome responsibility and I feel so incredibly humbled to have their presence in my life every day. It is truly amazing.

We've been incredibly busy the last couple of weeks, but I promise to post some Christmas pictures soon. I just haven't had time between decorating, baking, buying AND wrapping gifts, starting traditions of our own and keeping up with those passed down to us, and making each day magical for the kids. I remember when I was growing up, this was my favorite time of year, and it's very important that my kids feel the same way. I didn't realize how exhausting it all was for my parents! It's a good exhaustion, but I'm exhausted nonetheless!

In the meantime, I wanted to leave you with a picture of the year's best gift -- by far. It is the gift of life and love. My precious baby Andrew. Isn't he incredible?

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I admit it. Today I stole something. I actually stole something that belonged to my child and have no intention of giving it back anytime soon. It was meant for someone else, but I couldn't let her give it away. I kept it for myself. I kept it so that she could look back at it in years to come.

Last night, Katherine wrote a letter to Santa. She put so much time, energy and thoughtfulness into what she wanted to say that I just couldn't toss it in the mailbox with the rest of my Christmas cards this morning. She carefully dictated to me everything she wanted to tell the Big Guy and then copied it down in her best handwriting. It just warmed my heart. It wasn't the typical "letter to Santa" telling him what a good girl she'd been all year and then asking for a few gifts. It wasn't that at all. She was just writing to tell him Merry Christmas. She wanted to wish him a great year. She wanted to know how the reindeer and Mrs. Clause were doing. It was so sweet, so incredibly precious, so absolutely innocent. So selfless. That 's my girl. That's my little Katherine. I kept the letter because I wanted her to be able to read her own words someday, to relieve the innocence she now possesses, and remember how it feels to believe in the magic of the season. I didn't just steal it for me. I stole it for her.

The list....

Last night, Elizabeth (Isaac's girlfriend) and I went out shopping after the kiddos went to bed. I had a few odds and ends to pick up -- teacher's gifts, cards, a few things for Andrew, a gift for my mom and ornaments for the kids.

I found everything that I was looking for with the exception of Andrew's Waterford "baby's first Christmas" ornament. Younkers was sold out, so I was hoping a local jewelry store could special order it, but no such luck there either. So.... back to the mall the boys and I went this morning.

I ended up finding the Waterford ornament at Dillards -- and ON SALE! Oh, happy day!! It's regularly $65 on sale for $39. Woo-Hoo! Gotta love the good deal!

Anyway, while we were at the mall, Caleb decided that he wanted to chat with Santa. Now -- he's had the same *ridiculous* list of things he wants, and refuses to alter it. So ... we go up to Santa and he starts by reading Caleb "Twas' The Night Before Christmas" and pointing out all the reindeer. Finally, he starts asking Caleb what he wants for Christmas and suggests the typical stuff -- Thomas the Train, race cars, a basketball, Transformers, etc... You know... stuff that most 3 year old boys would love. Caleb kept shaking his head and saying that "No, I don't want any of that stuff. I have enough of it"! Dumbfounded, Santa asks him what he wants this year. Caleb starts laughing and says, "Colored potato chips ....... fruit snacks ........ and a stay-at-home Daddy"! Who knows where he comes up with this stuff, but over the past month or so, that's the ONLY thing he says he wants for Christmas this year! Only Caleb....

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Today is undoubtedly one of my most favorite days of the entire year!! I'm turning 29 again!! LOL!! To say that I love my birthday would be the understatement of a lifetime. I woke up to phone calls, emails, and text messages from family and friends wishing me a happy birthday. It's overwhelming and humbling to know that so many people are thinking of you and wishing you well. I feel incredibly blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.

I was super busy all day. I drove Katherine to school because it's still pretty cold out and I don't want her to start off her day freezing. After the boys and I got home, I fed Caleb breakfast and we took off for Kindermusik. We then met up with Kelly, a friend of mine from back in the Principal days, for lunch and had some super yummy Mexican food. You just can't beat good chips and salsa!

After lunch it was time to take Andrew back to the doctor and have his ears checked and then get his two month shots. Oh man... I was soooo not looking forward to watching my baby be stuck with needles. I swear, it's harder for me than it is for him! LOL!!

Oh, and to back up for a minute -- Caleb's favorite spot in the house is our kitchen island. He sits up there and helps me cook, eats most snacks up there and does his crafts up there. He's always sitting up there, and NEVER falls. That would be, never fell until yesterday. Somehow he lost his balance and fell off the island sideways. Thankfully he landed on one of the bar stools, but had he not, he most likely would have ended up on his head. He had a good cry, but really I thought he was scared and I didn't see any marks on him. He cried for a few minutes and it was over...

This morning after I got him dressed, I grabbed his hand to help him up and he winced in pain. I figured that I must have pinched him... At kindermusik, while we were dancing, I swung him around and he nearly broke down into tears. I took a look at his hand, and sure enough, it was swollen. So... Dr. Jon took a look at it and sent us down for x-rays. He doesn't think it's broken, but wanted to make sure. Poor Caleb is in some serious pain and keeps asking when the "hurting will go away". We didn't get the x-results today because it was so late, so we have to wait it out a while longer... I'll keep you updated!

And Andrew -- right before his shots he had his little hands wrapped around my fingers, looking right into my eyes, and coo'ing up a storm. It was so sweet. He was smiling and sticking out his tongue and looking up at my with the widest blue eyes in the world. All of a sudden, the nurses gave him a shot in each leg. He looked up at me for a millisecond longer and started screaming. His entire face was red and he was having a hard time catching his breath. Talk about breaking my heart.... I almost started crying with him! It was terrible. Thankfully, after I picked him up and cuddled with him, he only cried for about 15 seconds, but still...

Oh, I have to share my BEST birthday present EVER....

Caleb is a totally random kid and LOVES to talk about anything and everything. While we were in Jon's office waiting for Andrew to get his shots he starts up this conversation --

Caleb: Mommy, what do you want to be for Halloween this year?

Me: Well honey, I haven't thought about it at all. Halloween is a long was off.

C: Well just take a guess.... What doyawanna be?

Me: Probably a Mommy.

C: You can't be that. You have to be something pretend, and you're already a Mommy ..... You're the best Mommy I know!

Oh. My. Goodness. Be still my heart and savor the moment. Seriously, can I bottle this kid up? He's so sweet. He's so absolutely adorable. He's got my heart wrapped right around that little finger of his. He gave me the best birthday gift in the world. Money just can't buy this stuff!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Who knew such a simple affair like going to the dentist could cause such complete and utter chaos? Only in the Hanson household does this happen....

Saturday afternoon, while Matt was eating lunch, he lost the entire top half of one of his bottom teeth. It was strange. He didn't feel it fall out or remember chewing on it, etc... It was just gone. However, as soon as he drank something cold, he instantly felt pain. At one point it was so bad that he could feel pain if he breathed in wrong. So, he called our dentist and left a message asking if they'd be in this weekend, and if not, he'd just see them for our regular appointment today. We then called Isaac, but he was in Kansas City shopping, so Matt was stuck!

Now, before I go any further --

I make all the appointments. If there's a doctor appointment to be made, I arrange everything and then tell Matt when and where to show up. That's just how we roll, and it works well. So anyway ....

I get a call from the dentist office this morning and she tells me that Matt doesn't have an appointment today. His appointment is actually early January at 9 am. Now -- since I make ALL the appointments, there's NO WAY I would have made this. First of all, I ALWAYS make our appointments on the same day, one at 11 and one at 12. That way, Matt can see how busy he is that day and take the one that works out the best for him. (See what a great wife I am? LOL!) Second, I NEVER would have made it for 9 am since Matt has a market meeting everyday day at 8. She then tells me that she remembers Matt calling in around December 10th to cancel. Evidently he was going to be out of town or something. I told her that since tomorrow is my birthday, there's no way he'd be leaving town or have any other to cancel, but fine. I tell her I'll have him call her.

I immediately call Matt. Of course he didn't call and cancel. The only call he made was about his broken tooth and mentioned that if he couldn't get in earlier, he's see them today.

Thankfully, we got quite a bit of snow today which was accompanied with wind. As luck would have it, the 10:00 appointment cancelled, so Matt was able to get in anyway. He was getting ready to leave right as I was pulling in, so he helped me carry in the boys. Matt carried in Andrew while I got Caleb and his backpack and then locked the car. When we got there, I got Andrew situated, and put my keys in the fold of his Bundle me (which I always do). Matt waited with the boys while I had x-rays done. He brought them back to the room and then went back to work.

Caleb was fine while I was getting my teeth done. He played with the bag of toys I brought in and ate two granola bars while he waiting. After a while he got bored and decided to untie my shoes and see what kind of knots he could invent. But really, he was fine. Oh, and thankfully Andrew slept the entire time!

When Dr A (our dentist) took a peek at Andrew, he made a comment about how sweet he was.
Caleb looked up at him and said, "OOOOOHHH, I know..... I could just eat him up". We all had a good laugh. Evidently, I've said that one too many times! LOL.

They hooked Caleb up with stickers and a new toothbrush and I got up and started getting ready to head home. I bundled Caleb up, put everything back in his backpack and reached for my keys. They weren't there. They weren't on the floor around the carseat. They weren't in the waiting room. Oh. My. Goodness. I have two little boys in the dentist office, one is waking up, and one is ready to implode. The receptionist tells me Matt just called. He took off with my keys in his pocket. Perfect. Just perfect.

So -- we head to the waiting room and Dr. A comes out and keeps chatting it up with Caleb, who is about ready to crash and burn. He starts spitting on his hands, claiming it's sour cream, and laughing at the top of his lungs. Then he calls Dr. A a "poopy-head", and then proceeds to help himself to a glass of water and spills it all over. Oh, and during this time, Andrew is screaming. What I wouldn't have given for my keys at that moment. Needless to say, Caleb got a stern talking to when we got to the car!

So yea, it was a disaster from the get go!

Changing subjects --

A great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Isaac who turns 26 today. I can't believe that my baby brother is that old already. It seems just yesterday that I turned 26! He's such an amazing person and the kids are incredibly blessed to have him for an uncle.

Oh, and tomorrow is one of my favorite days of the year. I'm turning 29 (again!)!! LOL!! Woo-Hoo!!

Monday, December 15, 2008


I wish I had something interesting to write about today, but sadly, I don't.....

It's been FREEZING here the past 24 hours or so. Literally, the temperature is in single digits and the windchill is around - 10. Since I couldn't have Katherine standing outside waiting for the bus in that mess this morning, I drove her to school and then came home and got the boys ready. We went down to the Science Center with the Laundervilles, and man... it was frigid. Hauling two kids in and out of the car is just painful!

The boys had a blast playing together. I must say ... I love it when Caleb and Caden get together. They NEVER fight, always take turns and have the most endearing conversations. Oh, and it's all without Michelle and I playing referee. It's almost comical. They play together so well together it's surreal. Honestly, in the past two years, we haven't had to break up one fight or discipline them one time. It couldn't be better!

Tomorrow I'm off to the dentist, which should be really fun, especially considering (i) we're going to get between 3 and 5 inches of snow; and (ii) I have to haul both boys with me. My parents are at Disney World so they aren't around to watch the kids! Wish me luck!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Where has December gone? It's already half over, and Christmas is just days away... YIIIKES!

I've been a shopping superstar this year though, which makes everything soooo much easier. Black Friday I spent shopping in LeMars and Sioux City which is soooo much less crazy than Des Moines. It was amazing -- I didn't have anyone try to rip something out of my hands and shockingly enough, I didn't get run over by a shopping cart. It was GREAT!! Here's how shopping went down --

I ordered Katherine a balance beam which arrived a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving. It's been sitting in a box in our garage ever since, and she hasn't noticed. What are the odds of that??? LOL!!

On Black Friday my sister in law and I took off for Wal-Mart and were there when it opened. I ended up getting Katherine and Caleb's big gift from Santa that morning -- a Nintendo DS for Katherine and a Leapster for Caleb. I also got them a ton of other little stuff, but since the "big" gifts were purchased, I felt such a sense of accomplishment. However, Katherine really wanted a pink DS, but all I could find was the RED Mario bundle, so I bought it but immediately had buyers remorse. Thankfully, Katherine has the best uncle in the universe and Isaac searched all over Des Moines and finally found a pink bundle which totally rocked. So, he bought that, and I immediately returned the red one.

Later that morning we went to Target and I got Caleb 5 Leapster games and got Katherine about the same number of DS games. By the time the day was over I had a great start on gifts!

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been collecting Michael's coupons and picked up small things for the kids along the way -- Caleb got a new train for his train table, I got them both paint dobbers and books to use them with, and found Katherine a super cool American Girl Scrapbook, and as luck would have it, it comes with gymnastics ribbons, etc... Can you say PERFECT??? LOL!

Today, I was a shopping superstar. I made another pit stop at Michael's, then went to Olive Garden to get my dad a gift card as it's his fave restaurant, Lowe's, two different Kohl's stores and got the most adorable hooded towels along with the traditional Christmas jammies, and then Target and Toys R Us to round out the rest of the toys I had to buy. So ... I'm almost done. I need to hit Target one more time to get Morgan and Hannah their gifts, and pick up a few things for Andrew. I have to admit ... I have no idea what to get him. He needs NOTHING. I got so many adorable outfits when he was born and since his birthday is three weeks from Caleb's, I have all Caleb's clothes for him to wear too. I picked him up some teethers, and plan to get him a Bumbo seat, but really, that's about it.

Oh, and my mom's gift ... She's a big fan of Ina Garten who just published a new cookbook. As part of her gift I got her the new cookbook, only to get it home and find out that the cover was ripped. So I returned that one, and need to get another...

So, the score is ... Gifts for Hannah and Morgan (One of which I already know what they'll get), and get another copy of the cookbook for my mom. All three of these things are found at Target. Then I need to run over to Younkers and pick up some ornaments for the kids. I have Andrew's on hold as I'm looking for a specific ornament, and then also need to get Katherine and Caleb's for this year. Oh, and gifts for Katherine's teachers. After much thought and agonizing, I've decided to just get them a gift certificate to the mall. That way they can get exactly what they want. So ... two stops. Target and the mall and I'm done! Woo-Hoo!!

I've made a million suggestions on what we should get Matt's parents this year, but he's vetoed it all, so he's on his own. Can't wait to see what he'll come home with for them. This I know -- it'll be (i) last minute; and (ii) probably be something I suggested in the first place.

Even though I've rocked the Christmas list this year, everything else in my life is about 2 steps behind -- I just got back my Christmas cards, so I need to address and send them out, I need to write thank you's for Andrew's baby gifts (Shameful that I haven't done it yet, I know!!), send out his birth announcements, bake Christmas cookies, start thinking of what food I'm going to make for Christmas Day and get a list together as we're hosting, and actually take the time to enjoy it all. I love everything about this time of year, and more than ever I really want to make it super special for the kids.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Super cool!!

A great big thanks to Kim for the link. This is soooo super cool. Katherine and Caleb are going to love it. Make sure to add a picture -- that's the best part!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rotten mood...

Quite honestly, today has been a tough one.... I've had a heavy heart all day, and I haven't been able to shake it and get out of my funk.

It was one year ago today that my Grandma passed away. One Christmas. One Easter. One 4th of July. One Halloween. One Thanksgiving. One year of birthdays. One entire year filled with many memorable, but ordinary days. It was the year that my third child was born, the year Katherine started school, and the year that Caleb truly came into his own.....

Oh, how I wish she could have seen Andrew and held him. She would have loved him so.... She loved all of her great-grandkids. I remember how she'd always beg to hold Katherine when she was little, and then not want to give her up. She always laughed about what a "baby pig" she was! Grandma always looked forward to when we'd visit her in the nursing home.... She was so proud to show her off, and talked about her non-stop to anyone who'd listen. Katherine was always so sweet and doting with "Grandma Krekow". She'd sit on her lap in the wheelchair for hours and be wheeled around the nursing home and later hospice. I was worried that Katherine was too heavy for Grandma to hold in her final days, but every time I suggested that Katherine hop down, Grandma would just pull her in close and hug her, not wanting to let her go. And Caleb -- She always had such a sweet spot for him. His antics always made her laugh, and his endless boyish energy always amazed her. Actually, the last time anyone heard her *really* laugh was at Caleb. It was one of those deep down belly laughs that is just good for the soul. He always brought out her sweet side, and whenever she saw him she'd get the most wonderful little twinkle in her eye. I'm so glad he was able to bring her such joy in her final days.

I really wish she could have seen Andrew...... I wish she could have held him ..... I wish I had one picture of the two of them together..... I wish I had that memory for him, but I don't..... Katherine always reminds me that Grandma got to see him first. They were in heaven together before Andrew came to us. She got to hold him there. She got to kiss and hug him before we did. She got to know him before we ever did. How wise she is for 5...

Oh, and the ironic thing in all this ... today is also one of my best friend's daughter's first birthday. It's the cycle of life coming full circle....

To top that off, I have a baby shower to go to this Saturday at Glenn Oaks. It's going to be one of those beautiful, posh showers and I had to find something new to wear. So ... tonight I told Matt to meet me at the mall after work so that we could eat dinner and then he could take the kids while I shopped for some new threads. As it worked out, Andrew was sleeping so I took him with me while Matt took Katherine and Caleb to chat with Santa.

Oh. My. Goodness. If there's one thing that instantly puts me in a rotten mood, it's shopping for clothes. I was just foul. As soon as I walked into Gap, Andrew woke up and refused to stay in the car carrier. So here I am, shopping for clothes while pushing a stroller, carrying a purse and holding Andrew. Fun times, let me tell ya! I will say this, as long as Andrew was being held, he was fine, but trying on clothes???? Yea, that was a little problematic.

About half way through the shopping expedition, Andrew decides that he's hungry. Thankfully I was in the dressing room anyway, so I took some time out from trying on all 50 pair of jeans I had with me (none of which fit well) and snuggled with Andrew. Really, that was my only saving grace in all this. Other than those few moments of peace the rest of the time was PAINFUL!! I was totally on my own nerves!!

When he was done eating, I had the *super fun* task of trying on the remainder of the clothes in an attempt to find something to wear. All during this time, Andrew screamed. And screamed. And screamed some more. I'm sure everyone in the entire mall heard him. At one point, I wanted to sit down and cry with him. Nothing fits. I'm way too "thick". My boobs are so out of control that no shirt looks acceptable. My belly is disgusting. Right now, shopping for clothes is pure torture. Shoot. Chinese water torture would probably be more enjoyable!

Anyway, I ended up buying jeans and some shirts, but nothing that I'm really stoked about wearing to the shower. I guess it'll have to do. Most importantly, I'm glad it's over. Oh, and the best part of this little story ... Andrew fell fast asleep as soon as I was done checking out. It's like he knew how horrible it was for me and was determined to help me cry it out! Like I said, I'm glad it's over!

However -- there is one good thing in all this... I've decided that I'm sick and tired of being heavy, so starting tomorrow, I'm going on a diet. Actually, I'm going to start exercising again. I'm going to get into shape and lose this baby weight that I've been carrying for far too long. I'm tired of it. So .... The immediate goal is 20 pounds. Ideally, I'd like to lose closer to 30 or 35, but realistically if I could lose 20 pounds I'd feel soooooo much better. I'll keep you updated on my progress on a weekly basis, so if anyone wants to join me on this weight loss journey, either leave a comment or send me an email at ann hanson 1 @ gmail dot com (no spaces) and I'll send out recipes, etc.. for your reading pleasure! Here's to the first 20 pounds ... may they be gone by ????

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm back.....

Hi! Remember me? I used to blog here on a regular basis, but in the past two weeks went AWOL.... Well... I'm officially back from my self-imposed blogging hiatus. Life has been crazy busy lately and I haven't had time to sit down and blog at all. So, tomorrow I'm back! Back on the blogging bandwagon baby!

In the meantime....

Andrew has been changing so much lately. He's constantly smiling, cooing, and trying to grab your attention. He's trying to sit up and look around at anyone and everything. He's incredibly nosy and doesn't want to miss a thing. And cuddly... oh yea. He's just yummy. I could snuggle with him all day long, and breathe in his new baby scent. I'm in love..... He has me wrapped around his little finger, that's for sure!

When we were in LeMars over Thanksgiving, Andrew cried the entire day on Saturday, but then was fine on Sunday and Monday. I took him into the doctor on Tuesday for his 2 month checkup, found out he had an ear infection. So, he's been on antibiotic, and feeling much better. The crying and crankiness from Saturday has disappeared, and he's back to his normal happy self. Oh, and the best part ... he slept like a champ last night. I fed him at 10 before I went to bed and he didn't wake up until 5. That's 7 whole hours!! Woo-Hoo!! That makes for one happy Mommy!!

Saturday might Matt and I are going out to celebrate my birthday. I've been looking forward to the pomegranate martinis at Bonefish Grill for ages now, so Matt got a reservation and Isaac's girlfriends little sister is coming over to babysit the kids. Can't wait!! I'm so looking forward to a night out with Matt. It's been too long!! After dinner we're going to go shopping and try to knock out a few more gifts.

That's all for now! I'm off to bed!! Catch ya tomorrow!