The plan this morning was to attend the Olympic send off for Shawn Johnson and Lolo Jones. It was a packed house -- standing room only, and let's be honest, people where there to see Shawn. They could have cared less about Lolo.... Most people didn't even know who she was....
Anyway, the plan was to go with several of the neighborhood crew and meet in our driveway at 11. As soon as Caleb was loaded, I went to start the car since it was hot outside today. Nothing. Not even a gurgle from the engine. What???? I go to open Katherine's door and suddenly realize the problem... she didn't get it shut the night before. The dome light had been left on the battery was completely DEAD... Luckily, Julie drives a SUV as well, and had room for us. So by the time we loaded the kids and the car seats, we got a later start than planned, but thankfully were still able to go.
Julie, being the worldly girl she is, offered to jump me. What???? I'm pretty sure, but I honestly don't think we own jumper cables. Pretty sad, huh??? But after confirming with Matt, I was correct. We don't own jumper cables.... I call my dad, and he's ready and willing to run over and jump the car, but since we're on the way out the door to see the Olympic send off he just tells me to call him when we get back. I call Matt and fill him in, and he instantly tells me just to call AAA (as that's what we have it for) and not to make my dad push the Sequoia out of the driveway and jump the thing.... Well... my dad did come over and had it fixed in a matter of minutes. The kids LOVED that their Pop-pops could fix Mommy's car, and got quite the kick out of watching it!
Here's a few pictures from today. I've got to warn you.... since we got there later than planned with my car fiasco, and I was trying to wrestle Caleb, the pictures are pretty blurry.... But, at least we got pictures!

Shawn being interviewed by a local sports reporter.
With her coach Chow...
Katherine loved every second. She watched intently, hung on to Shawn's every word, and gave her the double handed wave. She was memorized, and totally in her element. When we got home, she told me that that she had a dream too.... She was going to be the best gymnast she could be. She was going to work hard and practice and listen to what to her coaches could teach her... She'll be going to Chow's eventually, probably within the next year or so, so it was great for her to watch and be a part of this..... She one motivated and determined little girl!
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