Tuesday, October 21, 2008


You have to check out these pictures. Rick and Danyel invited us over for dinner on Friday night and the kids had the best time. It was a gymnastics extravaganza -- her little girl, Ryan, is also totally hooked and Rick made a bar for her to do flips on. Holy cow! It was such a hit!! The kids couldn't get enough of that thing!

Oh, and most importantly, thanks to Auntie Danyel, Andrew slept like a champ Friday night. I got a little over three hours of uninterrupted rest and slept like a rock myself. When he finally woke up to eat, and I looked at the clock, I was so dumbfounded I thought I was seeing things! So thanks to our dear friends! Andrew is already wondering when he gets to hang out with Auntie Danyel again! LOL!!

1 comment:

Walker and Ryan Harris said...

Awe, such a cutie pie! I just love the new little bugger and his big brother and sister. Glad to help you out. Here's to getting more sleep!