Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Still sleeping...

Caleb looks terrible. He's pale and almost gray in color. His poor little eyes have bags under them, and he's passed out in my bed. He begged for milk all night long, but I just couldn't give it to him, as he threw up even the tiniest amounts of water.

I'm going to have to wake him up soon. I need to drive Katherine to school and then drop Riley off at the groomer. I'm just hoping that he doesn't get sick in the car. UUUUUGH. I can't even imagine!

Oh, and would you know.... as soon as the nice weather hits again, someone in this house is sick! UUUUGH... I'm going to lose my mind!


Kim said...

Make sure you tuck in a big towel around him, tends to catch everything in a pinch! Ugh - I hate the pukes SO much, hope C feels better and that you all don't get it!

val said...

I would recommend taking him to Dr. Jon or the ER and get at least some Zofran by mouth. They may even check his electrolytes. Grey always worries me. There is some nasty rotavirus that is really hitting the 3 year olds hard this year.

val said...

It could still be a concussion too.