Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I can't belive I forgot...

to mention the best part of the morning with a sick baby!

Since Caleb had finished off his sippy cup during the night, I rushed down to refill as soon as he got up. I have these little 4 ounce juice boxes (100% juice) with Sesame Street characters on the front. For obvious reasons, Caleb LOVES them. He started yelling "Big Bird" as soon as I opened the fridge. So I gave him a juice box. He drank half of it before we left the house, and then the other half of it after we got back in the car (from dropping Katherine off at preschool). So he drank 4 ounces in about 20 minutes...

On the way home, I called Lisa to tell it wouldn't work out for me to scrap with her Tuesday or Wednesday night. Since Caleb was sick, it just wasn't the best time. Anyway, we're chatting away, and all of a sudden I hear this strange gushing noise in the back. Let's just say Caleb is a silent puker! YUCK! Don't know how I forgot this earlier, especially since his car seat, clothes and the chair in front of him was dripping wet..... 10 years ago I would have never dreamed that I'd be fine with cleaning up puke, today it was more bearable that I thought...

Well tonight, after two doses of antibiotics, Caleb got rush of energy... his adrenaline was pumping!! We were all hanging out in the living room, and he started pushing a button on one of his toys and DANCING around the living room. When the music stopped, he'd start it right up again and get his groove on. Katherine started dancing with him and he was having a grand ol' time. All of a sudden, he climbed up on the couch and started jumping -- looking at me and laughing the whole time. Normally, I'd never let him jump on the furniture, but it was sooooo good to see my bright eyed baby boy again, I couldn't stop him!


Anonymous said...

Ann glad he is feeling better. Jaylee's doing better too! It's no fun when us mom's have no sleep to run on!

Kim said...

Ugh, it sucks so bad when they are sick, glad to hear he is starting to recover! I don't know what it is but there's definately something in those antibiotics that makes them a little hyper!!

Anonymous said...

poor little man. hope he is doing better!