Monday, December 3, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree....

Yesterday was the big decorating day in the Hanson house! We finally got around to putting up the Christmas tree, and spent the better part of yesterday decorating it. It was quite the production, but well worth the effort. The kids are amazed at all the lights in the house and Caleb can't stop starting. He's said, "It's prrrdddy Mommy" probably a million times in the last 24 hours.

Typically, I'm a white light kind of girl, but Katherine... not a chance! For her, it's all about the color, and the more the better. So right after Matt and I got the tree in the stand, I took off for Target to get colored lights. On the way out the door (as I always do) I asked Matt if he needed anything. This time, however, I didn't direct the question directly to Matt and just said, "I'm leaving now, do you need anything from Target?" Katherine looks at me in a very serious 4 year old kind of way, and says, "You know, Mommy, I could really use a new Barbie". LOL. Ya think????

We decided to put the lights on the tree and then put the kids down for their naps before digging out the ornaments. Since we were out with the neighbors until 1 am the night before, Matt and I decided to take a little nap too... Oh. My. Heavens. It was one of the little luxuries of life. It was like a dream come true! Matt and I slept for two hours and the kids slept for three. It was such a treat!!

Later that night, we grabbed dinner and decorated the tree. Caleb was so cute. He kept walking around saying, "I help you, Mommy.... I help you, Daddy". It was so sweet. When he saw Matt laying down on the floor tightening the tree stand, he belly flopped on the floor as fast as he could. When I was untangling the strands of lights, he would have stood there and held them for hours if I asked him too. And, oh what a help he was unwrapping the ornaments!! He'd take them from me and run to the tree as fast as his little legs would carry him. Christmas is so much more fun for him this year. He totally gets it!!

I'm getting the kids' Christmas pictures taken tomorrow, so here's to hoping they turn out well. Keep your fingers crossed!! Remember the night I went out shopping with the neighbor girls? I found Katherine a dress that night and not only does it match Caleb's shirt, but it fits perfectly! Sooo glad about that, and can't wait to take that bag of expensive stuff back to Gymboree! Won't even tell you how much I spent there, as I'm sure it'd send you into cardiac arrest, and if I type that number I'll actually have to acknowledge it, which I refuse to do!! LOL. Oh, and the best part... I've shown the two dresses to several people and everyone likes the cheaper one better. BONUS!!

On a side note... After we got home from dance tonight, I gave the kids a quick bath and headed up to hospice. The parking lot was unusually full. When the nurse came in to check on my Grandma, we got talking and she told us that two "young" patients we recently admitted. One was a 56 year old husband/father, and the other was a 30 year old wife and mother of four. Both have cancer and aren't expected to make it until the end of the week...

Hug your babies tonight.... Thank God for your good health.... Count your blessings.... Remember those less fortunate..... Look for the good in all people.... Find joy in all you do... Celebrate life, love and happiness...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with Katherine. She could really use a new Barbie. Aunt Christine could really use a new rug.