Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gymnast #2...

Not only do we have one gymnast in the family, but now there's TWO. That's right.... TWO! Which means, more somersaults, running around and jumping off things, and in general more chaos!! Not that we don't have enough of that already! LOL!

Today was Caleb's first day of gymnastics, and he was BEYOND excited! He couldn't wait to get into the little gym and "try out the bars"! The problem was getting there in the first place.... You see.... Caleb is a pretty preppy kid. If he had his way, he'd wear a shirt with a collar (AKA polo) and khaki shorts every day. That's it. In his wardrobe, he has 20+ polo style shirts and a token t-shirt or two that we've gotten from other people. Since the weather has started to turn chilly, we've transitioned from short sleeve shirts to long sleeve shirts, but the style remained the same.... which is good for the home team! LOL!! I've had to force jeans on him, and let me assure you..... it hasn't been easy. HOWEVER, getting the kid dressed for gymnastics today about did me in! In fact, we almost didn't make it. He was so excited to go, but adamant that he wasn't wearing "athletic style" clothing under any circumstance. WHAT IS THAT? A little boy who refuses to wear the mesh NIKE shorts? I don't get it! If someone told me to wear that every day, I'd probably jump at the chance! Evidently he thinks anything "athletic" in nature is for swimming only. It's "swimming clothes".

After about 20 minutes of resisting wearing NIKE shorts citing such compelling reasons as (i)they are swimming clothes; (ii) they're too big; (iii) they don't feel comfy; and the ever popular; (iv) I hate these... they don't look good on me, he FINALLY got dressed. After all, it was either that or he wasn't going!

When we got there, he couldn't wait to get into the little gym, and was the first one inside. However, when it came time to stretch, he wasn't going to have it. Nope. Not a chance. He was NOT about to march around in a circle and touch his toes. He could have cared less if ever did a "table top" in class and told his instructor that he could do them at home so he didn't need to practice them in class. GREAT! Anyway, I had to sit in there during the stretch time, as he was ready to bail. However, as soon as it was time to get on the trampoline, he was all about it! I was able to leave, and he was up to his usual antics..... jumping around, performing his running somersaults and cheering for himself at every opportunity. It was great to watch him having so much fun!

After the trampoline obstacle course, came the bars, and let's just say he was in Heaven!! He was swinging from those things like a monkey and after each one, he'd cheer for himself and yell "I did it!!". You couldn't help but smile! Oh, and he told everyone he saw today about his gymnastics class. He's so proud... which of course makes me proud of him!

1 comment:

Walker and Ryan Harris said...

OH... now I get it. I was having a hard time trying to figure out how you were at gymnastics while Katherine was at school.

Good job Caleb! So cool.