Tuesday, April 29, 2008

And so, it begins.....

Our lives are about to change... Katherine is on the verge of starting Kindergarten, Caleb is about to lose his best pal and loyal sidekick during the day, and a new baby is going to fill our hearts in ways we've never imagined. Part of this change makes me look forward to the future with great anticipation -- that'd be the new the baby part, but the other part of this change makes me want to hold onto the moment... to freeze time ... to cherish every day as if were the last. The thought of Katherine being gone to Kindergarten all day brings tears to my eyes. Have I taught her all she needs to know up to this point? Can she take care of herself when I'm not there? What if other kids pick on her? What if she doesn't know what to or where to go for help? UUUUUUGH. It kills me. I'm not ready. I'm not sure I'll ever be....

Today, I took Katheirne to a meet and greet type thing at her new school. She met a couple of the teachers, was able to explore different "centers", have cookies, and read a story about Kindergarten. I must say -- she was looking forward to going all day. Literally, she was giddy. It was her dear ol' Mom that's having the hard time!

When we got to the school, she instantly saw a friend of hers from preschool, so we walked in together and chatted. At the door, each child got a name tag with either an "A" or "B" on the bottom, which was used for separating the kids when the story was being read. A few minutes later, her preschool teacher came in (she also has a son starting in the fall) and the girls were elated to see her. While we talked, Mrs. Schramm (her preschool teacher) took Katherine, Betsy Kate, and her son to a center and got them started coloring pictures. Mrs. Schramm told us not to worry about them -- they weren't clingy and they were so ready for Kindergarten.... socially and educationally. That's such a relief to hear as a parent!

While the principal talked to the parents, the kids played at the different centers. All of sudden he announced that the kids with A were to stay in that room for their story, while the B kids were to head over to another room. Hearing this, Katherine immediately put down what she was doing and took off running. She's such a rule follower and a good kid!! It just brings a smile to my face! I went and sat in the chairs behind her and just watched. She was so attentive, and even raised her hand to answer a question.

After the story, we went back to the centers and had cookies. All in all, it was a good day. She loved it, and I survived. Survived being the key word. Man... will I miss her when she's gone next year. I know it shouldn't be this way, but really, she's my little buddy. We have such a great time together. I truly love spending time with her and will miss her beyond words this fall. I know I'm emotional being pregnant and all, but wow... this is going to be so hard on me. Oh, and how Caleb will miss her. He looks up to her and absolutely idolizes his big sister. I know I've said this before, but they get along as well as ANY siblings I've ever seen. They're so close, and I know that he's going to be lost without her next year. We all will be.

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