Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It just doesn't get anymore real than this....

Oh man... it's been a day. Where do I even begin?

My morning started off well... Caleb woke up completely dry and sat down on his little potty chair and made us all proud. I was actually shocked that he could hold THAT much all night long. We made a big deal of him being dry overnight and he was BEAMING. He was so proud of himself. We all were.

Anyway, Riley had an appointment to get groomed, so I had to add our neurotic dog to the mix of our usual morning chaos. I packed the kids up in the car, grabbed Katherine's ginormous bag of "stuff", and got Riley. He was so excited to come with us that he could hardly contain himself. He jumped into the backseat and hopped onto Caleb's lap. Then he went over to Katherine and crawled up on her shoulder (he's a 4 pound Maltese) and jumped into the open trunk area. He then jumped back on Katherine and walked along the top of the backseat before jumping onto Andrew and licking his face. At this point, I had had it with him and seriously considered throwing him out the window! I told him to get off Andrew, so he jumped over him and scratched his face. OMG... I nearly had a coronary. I was ticked. He's never done anything this spazzy before, and if he ever does it again ..... UUUUUGH!

So I drop Riley off and head home. When I get there, Caleb is doing the dance and I know he has to poop. He sits on the potty for 10 minutes and nothing. Absolutely nothing. Shortly thereafter, Andrew has the mother of all blowouts. He's my third child, and I've never seen anything like it. Never. It was terrible. Poop was everywhere. Literally, if I had a scissors in reach, I would have cut the outfit off him. The poor little guy had poop on his cheek, on the top of his head, all over his back, his arms, his legs... You get the idea. It was awful. Just awful. So I rushed into the bathroom and drew him a bath.

While I'm giving Andrew a bath, Caleb disappeared and a few seconds later, I heard him yelling for me. He needs to be wiped and of course it has to be done right now.... GREAT. So I rushed Andrew out of the tub and go to find Caleb. When I round the corner to my bathroom he walked out, completely naked and glowing. He pooped all by himself and couldn't wait to show me. So I tell him how proud I am of him and start making a big deal of what a big boy he's becoming and how great this all is. At that moment, for some reason unbeknown to any rational person, he sticks his fingers in his bum and gets poop all over. UUUUUGH. So at that moment, I have Andrew screaming, just out of the bathtub and cold, wrapped in his towel AND Caleb.... naked by choice, a hand full of poop and a smile on his face. Riiiight. I had a good laugh.... there was nothing else I could do! LOL.

Oh, and it wasn't even 10 am yet!!

Keeping with the potty talk --

Up until today, Caleb's been a champ.... no accidents, no misses on the floor, no constantly asking him if he had to go and setting the timer routine. It's been incredibly easy!! Well all of a sudden today, he peed on his jeans. No big deal. I empty the potty chair, change his clothes and we go on our way. About 2 hours later, he calls me into the bathroom and shows me that he went potty. Oh man ..... he really went. I was shocked at the amount in the potty, but once again his jeans were wet, so I change his clothes again. An hour later, he disappears into the bathroom, so I follow him and peek around the corner so he can't see me. I was SHOCKED at what I saw, and certainly got a question or two answered....

As I stood there, peeking through the crack in the door, I COULDN'T BELIEVE what I saw. He took apart his potty, dipped the insert (where you'd pee) it into the big toilet, and got water. He put it back into his little potty and sat down spilling TOILET WATER ever so slightly on the floor and on the BACK OF HIS JEANS. Oh. My. Goodness. Are you kidding me??? My three year old is trying to outwit me? He knows that he gets candy when goes potty, so he puts some water in the potty chair, pulls down his pants, and sits on it ONLY so that he can claim it as his own and collect candy? AAAHHHH, I've so got to watch this one! He's WAAAAY to sneaky for 3! At least the little stinker confessed! LOL.

Thankfully, Danyel and her kids came over to play tonight. Her hubby is gone all week, so we both enjoyed the adult conversation and the kids had a blast. School is cancelled tomorrow due to the cold weather, so Katherine is having a sleepover at Grammy's house. Hopefully I can sleep in a little! After today, I need a little rest!


Walker and Ryan Harris said...

OK, WOW. I just now realized that we did not get to finish a single conversation last night. Holy buckets! What a day. Thanks again for letting us come play. I think I would have just locked myself in a room after that. ha!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Ann, your blog really cracks me up but then there are times I laugh so hard, I cry! I wish I could have been there. Another adult would have been nice don't you think?