Saturday, August 7, 2010


What is LCB you might ask??? Oh, it'd be Caleb's new nickname -- courtesy of Matt, and a VERY poor choice on Caleb's part....

Caleb isn't a kid who makes snap decisions. He thinks things through, analyzes all options and considers all possibilities before rushing to judgement. He's a kid who totally grasps "delayed gratification" and doesn't follow the crowd. Which is why I was totally shocked at his decision tonight. UUUUGH. Part of me wanted to scream at him, and the other part of me had to conceal my laughter...

Matt and I decided to take the kids out for ice cream. On the way home, Caleb asked me if I'd like some lip chap. I said "no thanks" and took some out of my purse and put it on. He was all the way in the third row seat of the Sequoia, and it was too far to throw a tube of lip balm back and forth... Several minutes later Matt made a comment about being able to smell lip chap. I told him it must have been mine. How wrong I was!

When we got home, I opened the door to let Katherine and Caleb out of the back seat. One look at Caleb, and I was immediately horrified. He used the ENTIRE tube of lip chap and rubbed it all over his face (including, but not limited to, his cheeks, nose, forehead, chin and ears), arms, hands, legs, feet and neck. He was so greased up that he couldn't even hold his cup without it slipping out of his hands! And his face ... it looked like he stuck his head in a bowl of whipped cream. Oh my heavens... I about blew my top. I couldn't let him walk into the house by himself, because he decided that the bottom of his feet needed a little "lip chap pedicure" as well. I was furious! I carried him upstairs to my bathroom and lectured him the entire way. It was straight into the shower for him!! But of course he needed to use the bathroom first. When he got off the toilet, I threw him in the shower only to realize that the toilet lid and seat were totally greasy! UUUUUGH! So there I am, fuming about Caleb's wonderful decision to lube himself up with lip chap and scrubbing a toilet. It wasn't pretty, I assure you!

While I'm scrubbing him down in the shower, Katherine and Matt gather to watch the little show. I asked him what on earth he was thinking and why he'd do such a thing, and he answered me in this sweet little voice, "Mommy I didn't want my forehead or legs to get chapped". At this point, I had to walk away. Part of me wanted to snap back, "if you do this again, you better save some for your rear because I assure you that WILL be chapped"! and part of me had to bite my tongue to stop from laughing. As much as I tried to keep my game face on, my anger quickly turned to laughter. But I couldn't let him see me losing it. Katherine caught me and immediately joined in. In no time, we were all laughing. He was so innocent. He thought that if it worked on lips, it should work everywhere, and while I'm sure it would, I can assure you, he won't be given another opportunity to find out!

So what is LCB??? Lip Chap Boy. That's my Caleb.

1 comment:

Danyel said...

yup, much, much, much funnier when it is not your child!! LOL